
save risparmiare setsuyakusuru(節約する)

Hi,how's it going?
(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this.)

I was watching TV again...

A distribution journalist was talking about his usual way to save money.
distribution journalist=流通ジャーナリスト(りゅうつうジャーナリスト) / usual=普段の(ふだんの) / save money=お金をためる(おかねをためる)、貯金する(ちょきんする)、or 節約する(せつやくする) 

For example,the way to beat down the price of household appliance.
for example=例えば(たとえば) / beat down=値切る(ねぎる) / household appliance=家電製品(かでんせいひん)

He has some fast rules to buy everything.
fast rule=鉄則(てっそく)

One of them is `Don't buy goods next to bargains'.
next to=隣の(となりの)

Because there are fixed price goods next to bargains.
fixed proce=定価(ていか)

Mostly,the fixed price goods are related to the bargains
mostly=たいてい / relate to=~に関連する

He buys only bargains usaully.
usually=いつも、or たいてい

If he needed the fixed price goods which was related to the bargains,he would go to another shop where they were bargained.

He also said,`Choose unpopular colered one when you buy household appliance.'
choose=選ぶ / unpopular=人気のない

Japanese almost choose white or black goods for household appliances.
white=白(しろ) / black=黒(くろ)

So household appiance manufacturer makes unpopular colored goods to distinguish popular colered goods.
household appliance manufacturer=家電メーカー(かでんめーかー) / distinguish=目立つ(めだつ)

Then,we can beat down unpopular colored goods easily.

Sometimes he and his wife fight in front of clerks when his wife is going to pay for household appliance.
sometimes=時々(ときどき) / wife=妻(つま)、or 奥さん(おくさん) / in front of=~の前で / clerk=店員(てんいん) / fight=喧嘩する(けんかする) / pay=支払う(しはらう)

`Why you are going to buy such an expensive one? I won't pay for it! never!!'
expensive=高い(たかい)、or 高価な(こうかな)/ never=絶対(ぜったい)、or 決して(けっして)

Sometimes clerks discount it...
discount=割引する(わりびきする)、or 値引きする(ねびきする)

By the way,his wife is 42years old.

She is wearing underpants for men.

Because she is sharing it with him.

For saving money...

It costs 46yen...

1 件のコメント:

  1. Wearing men's underpants is a little strange... :s

    But buying bargains always is a good idea!!!
