
beverage bevanda nomimono(飲み物)

How are you?

(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this.)

I found funny goods again.


funny=面白い(おもしろい)、or おかしな

By the way,cheese flavored chocolate tasted funny...



Anyway,this morning,I went to supermarket.


anyway= とにかく / went=行った(いった)

When I was looking for a bottole of vegetable juice,I found it.


look for= 探す(さがす) / found=見つけた(みつけた)

I couldn't believe my own eyes...


believe= 信じる(しんじる) / own=~自身の(~じしんの)

There were `adzuki' flavored `PEPSI'...


Do you know adzuki?


Adzuki is reddish brown beans.


reddish= 赤みがかった(あかみがかった) / brown=茶色(ちゃいろ) / beans=豆(まめ)

Japanese use adzuki for making Japanese sweets like YOUKAN, MANJUU and something.


Japanese sweets=和菓子(わがし)

But I can't understand why they made adzuki flavored pepsi...



I think adzuki doesn't match with pepsi...



No way!!!


I wondered the flavor was like `TAIYAKI'...


wonder=~だろうか、or ~だろうかと考える(~だろうかとかんがえる)

Though I thought it was so funny,so I just took a picture.


though= だけど / take a picture=写真を撮る(しゃしんをとる)

After I came back home,I told about it to my gf and we laughed.


laugh=笑う(わらう) / girl friend=彼女(かのじょ)

Then my mother came back to home,and said...


`Do you know adzuki flavored pepsi?'


She was having a bottle of adzuki flavored pepsi and said...


`No way'...



cheese formaggio chi-zu(チーズ)

(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this.)

I like cheese.

So I love to put cheese into okonomiyaki and takoyaki something like that.
put into=~に~を入れる(~に~をいれる)

Of course I like cheese flavoured snacks too.
flavor=味(あじ)、or 風味(ふうみ) / snack=お菓子(おかし)、or スナック

But I think this is a little bit funny...
a little bit=ちょっと / funny=おもしろい

I found cheese flavored chocolate at supermarket this morning...

Gouda is mixed into chocolate...
gouda=ゴーダチーズ / mix into=~に~を練りこむ(~に~をねりこむ)、or ~に~を混ぜる(~に~をまぜる)

I also like chocolate.

Cheese and chocolate are my favorite ones.

I hope to work at such a lovely company.


cell phone telefono ceulare keitai denwa(携帯電話)

How are you doing?
(Excuse me! please read my profile before you read this)

Japanese really love to send email with cell phone.
really= 本当に(ほんとうに) / send=送る(おくる) / cell phone=携帯電話(けいたいでんわ)、or 携帯(けいたい)

Espacially girls who are junior high and high school students love to do it.
junior high school student=中学生(ちゅうがくせい) / high school student=高校生(こうこうせい)

Even if they are taking a bath,they send emails.
take a bath=お風呂に入る(おふろにはいる)

Of course they sleep with cell phone.

Sometimes they fall asleep while they are sending emails.
fall asleep=寝入る(ねいる)、or 眠る(ねむる)

So they send 200~500 emails with cell phone per day.
per day=一日に(いちにちに)

They think they have to reply for emails from their friends within one minuite.
reply=返事をする(へんじをする) / within=~以内に(~いないに)

I can't do such a thing...


brain cervello nou(脳)

What do you know?
(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this)

As you know,I like watching TV.

as you know=ご存知の通り(ごぞんじのとおり)

Today I watched a report about nerve economics.

report=レポート、or 報道(ほうどう) / nerve economics=神経経済学(しんけいけいざいがく)

Japanese reserchers are reserching on reaction of human brain.

resercher=研究者(けんきゅうしゃ) / reaction=反応(はんのう) / human brain=人間の脳(にんげんののう)

They said human beings are mean naturally.
human beings=人間(にんげん) / be mean=意地悪である(いじわるである) / naturally=生まれながらに(うまれながらに)、 or 生まれつき(うまれつき)

The result of their reserch suggested it.
result=結果(けっか) / suggest=示唆する(しさする)

Brains of subjects didn't react when they got being unkind from somebodies.
subject=被験者(ひけんしゃ) / be unkind=不親切な(ふしんせつな)、or 意地悪な(いじわるな)

But their brains reacted when they got being kind from somebodies.

???And then???


eat mangiare taberu(食べる)

(Please read my profile before you read this)

Do you know there are some Japanese who are still living as the Edo period.
still=まだ / the Edo period=江戸時代(えどじだい)

They are called `bugyou'.

Bugyou is like mayer of today.
mayer=市長(しちょう)、or 町長(ちょうちょう)

They are usually acting like people of today.
usually=たいてい / people of today=現代人(げんだいじん)

But sometimes they can't keep it anyway.
keep=キープする、 or ~し続ける / anyway=どうしても

Usually,they preside over a dinner.
preside over=~を仕切る(~をしきる)、or 取り仕切る(とりしきる)

If the menu of dinner was their duty one,they couldn't stop presiding over it.
menu=メニュー / duty=担当の

Of course,there are no menu which are their duty then.
of course=もちろん

But they can't stop presiding over it anyway.

There are many kind of bugyou.
be kind of=いろんな種類の

For example,`Nabe bugyou',Sukiyaki bugyou' and Yakiniku bugyou'...
for example=たとえば

If they were Nabe bugyou,they would preside over the way to eat `nabe'.

Nabe means a dish cooked into a pot at the table.
a dish cooked into a pot at the table=鍋料理(なべりょうり)

If they were Sukiyaki bugyou,they would preside over the way to cook and eat `sukiyaki'.

Yakiniku bugyou preside over the way to cook and eat `yakiniku'.

Usually,they don't realize they are `bugyou' with themselves.

They just hope us to eat dishes a time to eat the most deliciously.
hope=望む(のぞむ)、or ~したい / a time to eat=食べごろ(たべごろ)

Sometimes people don't realize their friends or colleagues and gfs or bfs are bugyous.

People realize it when they have `Nabe' or 'Sukiyak' and `Yakiniku' with bugyous for the first time.
for the first time=初めて~する(はじめて~する)

Bugyous preside over the way to cook and a time to eat dish strictly.

Sometimes they order to eat ingredients a time for eating.

If people didn't obey the bugyou,he(or she) would be angry or be upset.
obey=従う(したがう) / angry=怒る(おこる) / be upset=気分を害する(きぶんをがいする)、or うろたえる、or 気を悪くする(きをわるくする)

I want to eat whenever I want...


save risparmiare setsuyakusuru(節約する)

Hi,how's it going?
(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this.)

I was watching TV again...

A distribution journalist was talking about his usual way to save money.
distribution journalist=流通ジャーナリスト(りゅうつうジャーナリスト) / usual=普段の(ふだんの) / save money=お金をためる(おかねをためる)、貯金する(ちょきんする)、or 節約する(せつやくする) 

For example,the way to beat down the price of household appliance.
for example=例えば(たとえば) / beat down=値切る(ねぎる) / household appliance=家電製品(かでんせいひん)

He has some fast rules to buy everything.
fast rule=鉄則(てっそく)

One of them is `Don't buy goods next to bargains'.
next to=隣の(となりの)

Because there are fixed price goods next to bargains.
fixed proce=定価(ていか)

Mostly,the fixed price goods are related to the bargains
mostly=たいてい / relate to=~に関連する

He buys only bargains usaully.
usually=いつも、or たいてい

If he needed the fixed price goods which was related to the bargains,he would go to another shop where they were bargained.

He also said,`Choose unpopular colered one when you buy household appliance.'
choose=選ぶ / unpopular=人気のない

Japanese almost choose white or black goods for household appliances.
white=白(しろ) / black=黒(くろ)

So household appiance manufacturer makes unpopular colored goods to distinguish popular colered goods.
household appliance manufacturer=家電メーカー(かでんめーかー) / distinguish=目立つ(めだつ)

Then,we can beat down unpopular colored goods easily.

Sometimes he and his wife fight in front of clerks when his wife is going to pay for household appliance.
sometimes=時々(ときどき) / wife=妻(つま)、or 奥さん(おくさん) / in front of=~の前で / clerk=店員(てんいん) / fight=喧嘩する(けんかする) / pay=支払う(しはらう)

`Why you are going to buy such an expensive one? I won't pay for it! never!!'
expensive=高い(たかい)、or 高価な(こうかな)/ never=絶対(ぜったい)、or 決して(けっして)

Sometimes clerks discount it...
discount=割引する(わりびきする)、or 値引きする(ねびきする)

By the way,his wife is 42years old.

She is wearing underpants for men.

Because she is sharing it with him.

For saving money...

It costs 46yen...