
eat mangiare taberu(食べる)

(Please read my profile before you read this)

Do you know there are some Japanese who are still living as the Edo period.
still=まだ / the Edo period=江戸時代(えどじだい)

They are called `bugyou'.

Bugyou is like mayer of today.
mayer=市長(しちょう)、or 町長(ちょうちょう)

They are usually acting like people of today.
usually=たいてい / people of today=現代人(げんだいじん)

But sometimes they can't keep it anyway.
keep=キープする、 or ~し続ける / anyway=どうしても

Usually,they preside over a dinner.
preside over=~を仕切る(~をしきる)、or 取り仕切る(とりしきる)

If the menu of dinner was their duty one,they couldn't stop presiding over it.
menu=メニュー / duty=担当の

Of course,there are no menu which are their duty then.
of course=もちろん

But they can't stop presiding over it anyway.

There are many kind of bugyou.
be kind of=いろんな種類の

For example,`Nabe bugyou',Sukiyaki bugyou' and Yakiniku bugyou'...
for example=たとえば

If they were Nabe bugyou,they would preside over the way to eat `nabe'.

Nabe means a dish cooked into a pot at the table.
a dish cooked into a pot at the table=鍋料理(なべりょうり)

If they were Sukiyaki bugyou,they would preside over the way to cook and eat `sukiyaki'.

Yakiniku bugyou preside over the way to cook and eat `yakiniku'.

Usually,they don't realize they are `bugyou' with themselves.

They just hope us to eat dishes a time to eat the most deliciously.
hope=望む(のぞむ)、or ~したい / a time to eat=食べごろ(たべごろ)

Sometimes people don't realize their friends or colleagues and gfs or bfs are bugyous.

People realize it when they have `Nabe' or 'Sukiyak' and `Yakiniku' with bugyous for the first time.
for the first time=初めて~する(はじめて~する)

Bugyous preside over the way to cook and a time to eat dish strictly.

Sometimes they order to eat ingredients a time for eating.

If people didn't obey the bugyou,he(or she) would be angry or be upset.
obey=従う(したがう) / angry=怒る(おこる) / be upset=気分を害する(きぶんをがいする)、or うろたえる、or 気を悪くする(きをわるくする)

I want to eat whenever I want...

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