
brain cervello nou(脳)

What do you know?
(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this)

As you know,I like watching TV.

as you know=ご存知の通り(ごぞんじのとおり)

Today I watched a report about nerve economics.

report=レポート、or 報道(ほうどう) / nerve economics=神経経済学(しんけいけいざいがく)

Japanese reserchers are reserching on reaction of human brain.

resercher=研究者(けんきゅうしゃ) / reaction=反応(はんのう) / human brain=人間の脳(にんげんののう)

They said human beings are mean naturally.
human beings=人間(にんげん) / be mean=意地悪である(いじわるである) / naturally=生まれながらに(うまれながらに)、 or 生まれつき(うまれつき)

The result of their reserch suggested it.
result=結果(けっか) / suggest=示唆する(しさする)

Brains of subjects didn't react when they got being unkind from somebodies.
subject=被験者(ひけんしゃ) / be unkind=不親切な(ふしんせつな)、or 意地悪な(いじわるな)

But their brains reacted when they got being kind from somebodies.

???And then???

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