
cell phone telefono ceulare keitai denwa(携帯電話)

How are you doing?
(Excuse me! please read my profile before you read this)

Japanese really love to send email with cell phone.
really= 本当に(ほんとうに) / send=送る(おくる) / cell phone=携帯電話(けいたいでんわ)、or 携帯(けいたい)

Espacially girls who are junior high and high school students love to do it.
junior high school student=中学生(ちゅうがくせい) / high school student=高校生(こうこうせい)

Even if they are taking a bath,they send emails.
take a bath=お風呂に入る(おふろにはいる)

Of course they sleep with cell phone.

Sometimes they fall asleep while they are sending emails.
fall asleep=寝入る(ねいる)、or 眠る(ねむる)

So they send 200~500 emails with cell phone per day.
per day=一日に(いちにちに)

They think they have to reply for emails from their friends within one minuite.
reply=返事をする(へんじをする) / within=~以内に(~いないに)

I can't do such a thing...

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