
money soldi okene(お金)

How are you doing? Today is so hot in Japan.
(Excuse me! Please read my profile before you read this)

Recently,I am thinking about the way to earn money.
recently=最近(さいきん) / be thinking about=~について考えている(~についてかんがえている) / the way to=~の方法(~のほうほう)、or ~の仕方(~のしかた) / earn=稼ぐ(かせぐ) / money=お金(おかね)

Because I think I'll quit my job after 6 ~ 9month.
because=~だから / quit=辞める(やめる) / job=仕事(しごと) / month=月(つき)

Though I am preparing to go back my work now,I don't like my job and the company.
though=~だけど / prepare=準備する(じゅんびする) / go back=戻る(もどる) / company=会社(かいしゃ)

I also think my job will make me being depressed again.
also=~も、or ~もまた / depress=鬱(うつ) / again=また、or 再び 

Then,what can I do?

I am thinking about it all day long.
all day long=一日中(いちにちじゅう)

But I can't find good way and get being anxious about future.
find=みつける、or わかる / anxious=不安(ふあん) / future=将来(しょうらい)、or 未来(みらい)

So I told it to my therapist this afternoon.
therapist=セラピスト / this afternoon=今日の午後(きょうのごご)

Then she asked me...

`What do you think why you was born in this world?'
be born=生まれた(うまれた) / in this world=この世で(このよで)、or この世界で(このせかいで)

`What do you think you was born for?'

I told her,

`I think I was born for communicate with people espacially foreigners'
communicate=コミュニケーションをとる / espacially=特に(とくに) / foreigners=外国人たち(がいこくじんたち)

But actually I'm not sure...
actually=本当は(ほんとうは) or 実は(じつは) / be not sure=わからない

I like learning foreign languages, so I have a lot of books for it.
learn=習う(ならう) / language=言葉(ことば) / a lot of=たくさんの / book=本(ほん)

And I bought new ones again today...

But I don't read them so much.
not so much=~あまり~ない / read=読む

My therapist told me.

`It is important to know it.It hepls you living in this world.'
important=重要(じゅうよう) / help=助ける(たすける)、or 助けになる(たすけになる)

I agree it...

But I can't find what job is suited me still.
be suited=~にむいている / still=まだ

For the present,I registered some sites for earning money with mobile phone...
for the present=とりあえず、or さしあたり / register=登録する(とうろくする) / mobile phone=携帯(けいたい) 、or 携帯電話(けいたいでんわ)

I got 477yen today...

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